There Are Many Obstacles To A Successful Epoxy Garage Floor Coating. Most Begin At Floor Preparation.
There are many reasons why an epoxy floor coating may fail. Most of those reasons begin at the preparation stage. Properly preparing the surface of your existing garage floor is critical to getting a [...]
Garage Conversions Are On The Rise
We are all hearing more and more about the lack of housing, and especially affordable housing, in the Charlotte area. The cost of buying a home is skyrocketing and rents are soaring. Young people especially [...]
A Car Enthusiast’s Favorite Room Is Usually His Garage
From a young age, certain people grown up with a dream car in mind. If you are one of these people, and you enjoying looking for a new car, watching videos about cars, or spend [...]
Special Flooring For A Special Space
In today’s world, any extra space within the home, including the garage, is needed to serve a variety of uses. With people being unable to go to their regular places for their daily activities, the [...]
Garage Floor Options
Interlocking Plastic, Vinyl, or Rubber Tiles Made from heavy-duty plastic or rubber, these colorful squares have interlocking edges that snap together to create a floor that can withstand tough garage conditions. They’re inexpensive, durable, easy [...]